
Welcome to your JDB DApp's Home section! It is your control center, giving you a comprehensive snapshot of all the essential metrics. Let's take a look at each element:

Home Page

1. Tracked Swaps:

This counter displays the number of swaps we've tracked so far across the BNB, ETH, and ARB chains. By observing the growth of this number, you can get a sense of the market's overall activity.

2. Scanned Tokens:

This metric represents the total number of tokens that our backend has subjected to a security check. It gives you an idea of the vast extent of tokens analyzed by our system.

3. Newly Detected Tokens:

This section showcases the latest tokens that have passed through our backend's rigorous screening process. It's an invaluable tool for discovering new tokens before they hit the mainstream. Remember, getting in early can often mean higher potential returns.

4. Biggest Trades 24hr

Here, you'll find the most significant buys and sells over the past 24 hours in terms of USD volume across the three chains (BNB, ETH, and ARB), along with the corresponding wallets. It's a fantastic tool for identifying "whale" wallets or large traders.